What does equitable and sustainable sharing of water resources entail in local and global contexts?
Interdisciplinary and participative workshops and events in cooperation with the Natural History Museum,the Volkskundemuseum, and the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, November 2022 – May 2023.
Documentary video of the SHARING WATER Innovation Hub April 2023 at Deck50, Natural History Museum, Vienna.
In German, English subtitles.
Documentary video on the SHARING WATER Open Day at the Volkskundemuseum in Vienna, May 25th 2023.
In German, English subtitles.
Concept and aim of the SHARING WATER Events
Three introductory workshops dealt with valuable and visionary models of sharing water. They were hosted by the three partner institutions in Vienna in winter 2022/2023.
The workshops focused on the concept of commons (water as a common good, Volkskundemuseum), peacemaking through mediation in water conflicts (BluePeace Initiative, University of Applied Arts), and the inclusion of a “more-than-human” community by establishing rights for water bodies/ecosystems (Natural History Museum).
These approaches were at the core of the transdiscipinary discussions of the spring-events 2023 which focused on a co-creation of new concepts of dealing with water equitably and sustainably at a global scale. (Innovation Hub, Open Day).
The events aimed to contribute to awareness raising and to build new cooperations and alliances in behalf of water.
SDGs and cooperation partners
The program started in November 2022. The workshops were addressed to pupils, students and interested parties of the public. The Innovation Hub at Deck50, Natural History Museum, involved experts from science, art, politics and industry in a transdisciplinary workshop. The Open Day in May 2023 invited the public to participate, get informed and join discussion and was hosted by the Volkskundemuseum Vienna.
25.11.2022,3-6 p.m.
in cooperation with the Swiss delegation of the OSCE and UN, Vienna.
University of Applied Arts Vienna, House for Art and Science (former PSK), seminar room 34, Georg-Coch-Platz 2, raised ground floor (Hochparterre), 1010 Vienna
The public workshop is part of the lecture program „It’s possible, it’s possible“, Doz. Elisabeth Kopf, University of Applied Arts, Vienna, International Studies for Sustainable Developments.
Registration required:
Workshop “Commons & Co-Creation”
Sharing Water in the Museum.
Interdisciplinary exchange and discussion workshop. Invited guests only.
Mag. Magdalena Puchberger (Volkskundemuseum) in cooperation with Prof. Konrad Kuhn, University of Innsbruck.
Volkskundemuseum Vienna
17.2.2023, 3-5 p.m.
Workshop: “The Voice of Water Bodies”
Legal Standing for Rivers.
How do we know about the state a water body is in? And how can we protect water bodies most efficiently from being polluted and damaged?
A workshop with the possibility to observe tiny water organisms indicating water quality, and to talk to Austrian “climate advocate” Michaela Krömer, who is committed to create legal standings for ecosystems.
In cooperation with Mag. A. LL M (Harvard) Michaela Krömer
Natural History Museum, Deck 50, information here
Public event, registration required. Register here.
22.3.2023, 6 p.m.
Book Presentation
“Das Wasserbuch. Überschwemmungen, Dürre, Gletscherschwund. Vier Expeditionen im Herzen Europas.”
Mathias Plüss, Regina Hügli, Echtzeit, 2022
Swiss Embassy in Vienna.
Presentation by Regina Hügli, special guest: Mag. Christian Maslo, University of Vienna, head of the Water School Vienna.
Public Event, registration required.
25.4.2023, 9.30 am – 6 pm
SHARING WATER Innovation Hub
Deck 50, Natural History Museum Vienna
Transdisciplinary Expert Workshop on
New Concepts of Sharing Water
In Focus: Legal Standing for Water Bodies
Contributors: :
Michaela Krömer (lawyer), Anja Palandačić (curator of Fish collection, NHM), Mathias Harzhauser (Director of geological section, NM), Lukas Plan (Cave Dokumentation, NHM), Ludovic Ferrière (Kurator of Meteorite collection NHM), Stefan Fraunberger (composer, musician), Christina Gruber (visual artist, ecologist)
The “Innovation Hub” is a full-day workshop with about 40 experts, where the term “expertise” is rethought and used in a new way. Water experts are people who can bring an important perspective to the conversation through their experience with water and/or their professional knowledge. The fields of science, art, economy, politics and education are represented, but also farmers, hairdressers or pupils, young people who are committed to water.
Through transdisciplinarity, a more precise understanding of the connections around water as a resource is gained.
In a co-creative approach, strategies are developed that can be effective at the levels of awareness raising, cooperation and alliances, and legislation.
25.5.2023, 2-9 pm
Public Event at Volkskundemuseum Vienna.
Projects presentations, dialoge stations and artistic interventions on water, ecology and global distributive justice are offered. Contributors (a.o.): Schwimmverein Donaukanal, UniNEtZ, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), WeltTellerFeld, Queer Museum Vienna, University of Applied Arts. The Volkskundemuseum offers an audio tour on soy, an interactive media station on the topic of waste, and a creative station.
Starting at 6 p.m., a participatory discussion event with lawyer Michaela Krömer will address the question of rights for waters. Participants of the Innovation Hub will share their insights and questions.